
Jorge Luis Borges y Alfonso Reyes:
La cuestión de la identidad del escritor latinoamericano
(Prólogo de Elena Poniatowska)
Publisher: Fondo de Cultura Económica
Language: Spanish
Available in stores, at and

Este libro ilustra la evolución de Borges escritor y su rol como precursor del realismo mágico.

This book illustrates the evolution of Borges as a writer and his role as precursor of magic realism. (The book is currently being translated into English)



Cover of Bilingual Anthology 2015

Historias de Indocumentados/Stories of the Undocumented

editado por/edited by

Amelia Barili

available at Ethnic Studies Library and Doe Library, UC Berkeley


The purpose of this bilingual Anthology is to make visible the struggle of a population that has been marginalized and disenfranchised: the 12 million undocumented who live in the shadows of the USA. Giving voice to this pressing issue, not only calls attention to its existence but is actually a path to addressing it. The Anthology itself represents a paradigm change, in that the students and their communities, are actively participating in (re)defining their own identity, with their own voices and writing.