In an effort to assist our larger community in these challenging times, THESE WORKSHOPS AMELIA TEACHES THIS ONLINE VIA ZOOM FOR FREE. WE WANT ALL OF YOU TO HAVE ACCESS TO THEM. 

For a description of Amelia’s intensive workshops offered through Mount Madonna Center, please go to the WORKSHOPS page on this website.


Saturday, January 7, 2023

At 11am (en Español)

Prácticas Milenarias para Conseguir lo que Necesitas

Meeting ID. 941 5100 0432


At 2pm (in English)

What Do You Want and How to Achieve It

Meeting ID. 913 9848 5765

Saturday, January 7, 2023




Resilience and Inner Guidance in Uncertain Times

Amelia Barili

Retreat at Mount Madonna Center, Santa Cruz Mountains, California


 November 19-20, 2022

We all need tools to find peace and purpose in the midst of challenges. In troubled times we feel besieged with negative emotions that rob us of the clarity and resilience we need to implement the changes we want to bring forth in our world. Drawing from the wisdom traditions of India and China, the Neuroscience of Resilience, Buddhist teachings and many years of experience, Amelia Barili will teach you powerful practices to reconnect to your own inner sources of guidance, strength and healing. 

These time-tested techniques are so simple that anyone can practice them, reaping increased energy and inner peace, improved health, better sleep and better relationships. Recommended for anyone seeking to cultivate an inner space of relaxation, repair and growth, as well as for counseling and healthcare professionals.

The focus of this retreat will be to prepare ourselves to work effectively with challenges and difficulties, cultivating resilience and inner strength.  Learning and practicing together these easy and powerful healing practices will support us in understanding ourselves and others and invite greater healing in our life.

AMELIA BARILI Ph.D. received her diploma in Yoga Therapy and Philosophy in 1972 at Kaivalyadhama Yoga Institute, India. She is an internationally respected yoga teacher and a disciple of Grandmaster Yang Mei Jun, the 27th inheritor of the Taoist Medical Qigong system. A pioneer at integrating both wisdom traditions, she is also an award-winning faculty at UC Berkeley and the Osher Life Long Learning Institute, where she teaches youth and older adults a systematic embodied mind approach for brain fitness and personal and community transformation. For more information, visit



Nurturing Our Spirit with Yoga and Qigong

Amelia Barili 

Workshop offered through Mount Madonna Center,

Santa Cruz Mountains, California


June 18-19, 2022

 As the end of the Summer approaches, we get ready to harvest and store the energy we will need for the Fall and Winter months.

The healing traditions of India and China see Fall as the season of nurturing our Spirit. It is a time to release stagnant energy, nourish our courage and strength, and reap the fruits of wisdom and compassion, storing them in our body and mind, so we can beckon them when we need them.

Drawing from the healing traditions of Classical Yoga and Qigong, as well as from the latest findings in the Neuroscience of Meditation, Amelia Barili will teach you mindfulness, heartfulness and bodyfullness to let go of what is stale, open yourself to new possibilities, gather and store vibrant Qi, boost your immune system, strengthen your lungs and heart, and harvest wisdom and compassion towards yourself and others.

In this workshop we will practice:


  • Acupressure release points and moving meditations from Qigong to work with specific emotions and organs for releasing old energy and increase wellness and healing


  • Powerful breath practices from Yoga to boost your lungs and immune system


  • Ways of gathering and storing Qi to face challenges with clarity and inner strength


  • Useful information from Neuroscience about how to befriend your nervous system and align your brain and heart


  • A prayer and a practice to cultivate and harvest wisdom and compassion.

These practices are easy to learn. They are recommended for anyone wanting to lead a healthy life and for counselors and health professionals assisting others in regaining their health. 

AMELIA BARILI Ph.D. received her diploma in Yoga Therapy and Philosophy, 1972, at Kaivalyadhama Yoga Institute, India. She is an internationally respected yoga teacher and a disciple of Grandmaster Yang Mei Jun, the 27th inheritor of the Taoist Medical Qigong system. A pioneer at integrating both wisdom traditions, she is also an award-winning faculty at UC Berkeley and the Osher Life Long Learning Institute, where she teaches youth and older adults a systematic embodied mind approach for personal and community transformation.

















Interview in KPFA with Amelia Barili about tapping into our inner resources to manage anxiety and fear in challenging times.