From the New Paradigms YouTube Channel
Meditación y Auto-Aceptación. Técnicas Fáciles Para Aprender a Meditar, con Amelia Barili
Aprender a meditar te puede dar gran paz y felicidad. Todos podemos aprender a meditar. No es difícil. Un error común es creer que meditar requiere poner la mente en blanco, o no distraerte cuando estás tratando de prestar atención, por ejemplo, a tu respiración. En realidad, no es posible poner la mente en blanco, y no sería beneficioso que no nos surgieran otros pensamientos al meditar. No es necesario reprimir esos pensamientos, ni juzgarte. Esos pensamientos son el material indispensable para observar los contenidos de nuestra mente y para aprender a relacionarnos con ellos con mayor claridad y paz.
The Power of Your Nervous System for Healthy Relationships and Self-Healing. Stephen Porges/ Barili
Have you ever wished you would know the secret to keeping calm strength and caring while in the midst of a charged discussion? Granted, it takes practice. It also takes understanding that no one “wins” an argument. It is not a question of who has the most articulated and forceful narrative nor reasoning. Those challenging situations are really encounters of two nervous systems, yours and the one of the person you are with. They call for a capacity to listen, observe and to find a way to calm yourself and, if at all possible, contribute to calm the other person too. A first step to develop this art of relating from a ground of inner peace, it to learn about your nervous system, how it functions and what practical ways are there to tap into the transformative power of feeling safe.